
How To Fix A Bad Fondant Job On A Cake


A hand painted cake.

A hand painted cake.

A hand painted cake.

Fondant has get the most popular medium for custom decorated cakes these days. And yous find more than and more people creating cakes covered in flawless fondant finishes. Working with fondant can be tricky for a beginner, and however with these tips, you will exist a pro in no time. Whether you are a novice working on simply ane cake or a professional cake decorator, these tips for working with fondant are all you need to up your game in the world of decorated cakes.

A hand painted cake.
Tips for working with fondant

Fondant myths and truths

Fondant has come a long way in the world of cake decorating. Customers are more aware of fondant and its unlimited possibilities. And so the moment yous decide you want to go a cake decorator, one of the first things you will demand to principal is - how to handle fondant. For those of us that actually never worked with fondant before, this can be a challenge. And if you've had a bad experience with fondant, as I did a zillion years ago, you know what I mean. Ah well, I was petrified. And all the same, I was but xvi at that fourth dimension.

So here'south a fiddling advice for you lot if you simply starting out. Don't read people'south negative experiences near working with fondant. Because information technology doesn't help. And if you lot tell yourself 'I got this', guess what, you volition get this.

Many people claim that shop-bought fondant is easier to work with. While others say that homemade fondant is easy to work with. The truth? Information technology's simply a myth. Working with fondant gets ameliorate with exercise. And of form, knowing a few tips for working with fondant.

A Valentine's theme cake with a heart-shaped topper. Valentine Fondant Ruffles Cake1

A cake decorated with a marble design fondant. How to marble fondant Shabby Sheek Cake

A cake decorated with fondant drapes. How to brand Fondant Drapes on Cakes - Block Decorating Tutorials

A Christmas theme wedding cake. Frosted Christmas Block Tutorials (2)

My 14 tips

Having been a block decorator for over ten years now, I have some tips and trick that make working with fondant a lot easier. And I'd love to know if any of these tips helped you with your next project. So please let me know in the comments beneath.

i. Gear up your work surface

  • First of all, clean your work surface making sure y'all have no cake crumbs, water puddles, or wet spots anywhere. A great fashion to go lint or tiny particles of dust off your surface is to use a small ball of fondant (almost a golf ball size) and rub information technology over the surface. All the tiny particles stick to it, and voila, your surface is at present fix for fondant.
  • Next, articulate the space so y'all tin can curlicue your fondant big, as well as keep your cake within reach without knicking into information technology while rolling.
  • Too, have the firsthand things you need handy and so you don't get looking for the last infinitesimal. Such as dusting pouch, pocketknife, or cutting bike, acupuncture needles to popular air pockets, cake smoothers, acetate smoothers. Nix is worse than to become hunting these downwards while your fondant dries.

2. Prepare fondant first

  • Bring your fondant to room temperature before you apply information technology. If necessary, microwave it for no more than than 10 sec. or it volition become sticky and likewise soft.
  • If possible, color your fondant a mean solar day or two ahead of time – and then the colors will deepen.
    Additionally, letting the fondant sit, afterwards you lot added all that color, volition help restore some of its composition. And you will find it'due south non as goofy the side by side day.
  • Knead your fondant well before you starting time to roll it or it will not curlicue evenly. That is the reason for vehement and cracking. Kneading also helps with a smooth finish.

3. Rolling fondant

  • Roll the fondant on a lightly dusted and smooth surface.
    • In most places, a mix of powdered sugar and cornstarch works all-time.
    • While in dry out places, vegetable shortening works best to roll fondant.
    • And in places with high humidity, using only cornstarch works best. Since powdered sugar can crusade the fondant to get sticky with condensation.
  • Brand sure your block is smooth with buttercream or ganache before you lot comprehend it with fondant. Because fondant will show all the uneven bumps and gaps.
  • Do not whorl your fondant much larger than you need information technology. The excess will merely make it heavy to lift and difficult to move. For example, if y'all are covering an 8" cake roll a disc of well-nigh 20 inches not 40. In addition, yous won't waste then much fondant by exposing it to air and cornstarch.
  • To transfer fondant over the cake - practise not use fingers as it can tear, instead:
    • Utilise a rolling pin to lift the whole slice of fondant. Thus, distributing the weight evenly and avoiding whatever tears.
    • You tin as well utilize both of your artillery.

4. Smoothing fondant

  • The palms of your hands are the best tool for smoothing fondant. Since the friction caused past your hands rubbing on the sugar paste makes the fondant polish.
  • For those with sweaty palms, fondant smoothers are bachelor in the market at very affordable prices. They are 1 of the all-time block decorating tools to keep handy and they do more than just polish cakes.

5. Cutting fondant

  • A pizza wheel works amend than a pocketknife to cutting around the cake. Also, a scalpel or an exact-o pocketknife is much better than a pizza bike. And yet, a scalpel is really sharp and can crusade serious harm if non used carefully (don't ask me how I know that).
  • And if you have small kids watch out for those exact-o knives or scalpels every bit kids seem to be very attracted to them. I almost avoid using them because my kids always seem to observe a fashion to be around them.

6. Cake drums

  • Fondant is heavy, thus making the block heavy – so ensure you lot ever take a sturdy block board. A cake lath that flexes or bends results in fondant tearing when the cake is moved. Especially during transportation.
  • Cake drums are best for fondant covered cakes. I take shown you how to make your own cake boards hither on the weblog by simply using foam core and contact paper you can purchase from your local craft store. Check this post - DIY cake boards.

vii. Find your strength

Are you lot better at covering round cakes, square cakes, or novelty cakes?Practice on a dummy - a great way to learn is to do on a dummy cake. Use leftover fondant you don't listen wasting. Cover it in one case but before it dries remove it, knead it with a damp manus, and practise again. Until your fondant get useless.

8. Know your fondant

If you take a bad batch of fondant, perhaps using information technology to encompass a round cake with sharp edges is not the fashion to go. Instead, save it for novelty cakes when y'all tin use it to your advantage. And brand a batch or detect a make that you know works better for you lot when covering round cakes with sharp edges.

9. Color fondant ahead of time

One of the advantages of coloring fondant ahead of time is that the fondant has time to settle back into its original limerick. Always utilise nutrient colour gels when coloring fondant as these are more than concentrated. And so they don't affect the consistency of the fondant much. Another advantage of coloring the fondant ahead of time is the colors take time to deepen. Below is a great example. Every bit yous can see, this is a cake before decorating with brush embroidery and after. Some colors deepen more than others. And some go even better over time, while some may need a piddling more tweaking.

10. Fondant is also profoundly afflicted by climate

Cool temperatures piece of work better as it keeps the fondant pliable and non too soft. So, work in a cool place. And if necessary, work in an air-conditioned surround. If y'all do not have air-conditioning, work in the cool hours of the day similar the evenings or afterward.

11. Strengthen your fondant

If no matter how many recipes of fondant y'all brand, or how many commercial brands of fondant you endeavor, your fondant is even so as well soft, or hard to work with, perhaps it'due south the weather, not y'all. (What a relief eh?). Well, a manner to help strengthen it would be to add together a small-scale amount of tylose or CMC to your fondant.

12. Working with seams

If you lot are working on novelty cakes and discover that you lot take many seams to work worth with, avoid using vegetable shortening while kneading the fondant. Rather, use a damp finger over the seem and so smooth it with your palm and yous will see the seams just disappear like magic. Considering veg shortening tends to forbid the saccharide from blending (no clue why - it just does).

13. Novelty Cakes

Another great mode to prevent your fondant drying quickly when working with novelty cakes is to add some modeling chocolate to the fondant. I like adding modeling chocolate to my fondant when working on novelty cakes. This works great for me in winter but in summer I prefer to use just fondant as modeling chocolate tends to make the fondant softer.

xiv. Hot boiling weather?

  • In hot humid atmospheric condition, fondant tends to melt with condensation. And then, arctic the block well earlier you encompass with fondant. That way you will accept a squeamish firm cake to piece of work with. And notwithstanding, in one case y'all comprehend the block with fondant, DO Non put it dorsum in the fridge. Get out it out. Usually, it volition get wet with condensation. Go out it in a cool identify until the block's internal temperature has settled. The fondant volition dry in a few hours and yous should have a dry surface to work with once more. This requires that you pace abroad from the cake for a few hours betwixt covering the cake with fondant and standing to decorate. So plan your project appropriately.
  • I highly recommend strengthening your fondant with CMC (every bit I explained above). The humidity will prevent the fondant from hardening and then don't worry about it getting hard.

xv. Make/buy the right fondant for the right job.

I buy fondant in bulk because fondant making tin can take a lot of fourth dimension when you have many orders. And so, I have to plan and decide when I am going to utilize homemade, and when I am going to utilize commercial fondant. For example, for near all my kids' cakes, I use homemade fondant. But all my wedding cakes are covered in commercial fondant. That's one way for me to plan in advance and reduce my workload.

A cake decorated with a marble design fondant.

Frequently asked questions

What is the easiest style to encompass a cake with fondant?

There are two almost commonly used methods.

  1. The drape method, which involves rolling fondant larger than the size of your cake and and then covering the whole block with fondant. I have previously shown you how to encompass a cake with fondant. I covered the whole cake in this Paw Petrol Cake tutorial.
  2. The console method - hither you lot ringlet 2 pieces of fondant. One for the superlative of the cake (using a block pan equally a guide) and and so rolling a long strip of fondant for the sides. This method has seams which can easily be masked with decorations if you plan your cake pattern in advance. I paneled this Pink Tree Stump Cake Tutorial.

How to prevent not bad fondant?

Knead your fondant well before y'all showtime to whorl information technology or it will not curlicue evenly. This is the reason for vehement and cracking. Kneading also helps with a smooth finish. As I explained above (tip #ii).

How to make fondant like shooting fish in a barrel to piece of work with?

As I explained above, fondant is non hard to work with. Apply these 14 tips for working with fondant for your next projection. Know your fondant, use the right fondant for the right job, prepare appropriately and you lot will have success every single time.

How to strengthen fondant?

The simplest and easiest way to strengthening your fondant is with CMC (as I explained higher up in tip #14).

How to prevent fondant from sticking? How practise you keep the fondant from sticking to the counter?

Fondant is sugar, and so any wet or warmth tin can cause it to stick. So, ever dust your piece of work surface well (explained in a higher place in detail in bullet 3). In addition, knead your fondant well (explained more in tip #2).

How to fix dry fondant?

Fondant can go from moisture to too dry very quickly. The same goes for too soft, too moisture etc. So, if the fondant is not rolled yet, and looks dry out - employ damp easily to knead it first. Yes, merely use a little water on your easily to help knead. Once you've done that, use vegetable shortening to knead it until it'southward soft and pliable.

And, if the fondant is on the block - rubbing the cake with vegetable shortening gently can prevent it from drying out further. As well, gently steaming the cake helps. And however, almost people don't commonly have a paw steamer at home. I take a mitt steamer that I utilise to steam my sugar flowers, which works for this purpose very well.

How to fix wet fondant? Pasty fondant? Soft fondant?

If fondant is mucilaginous due to calculation gel color, the best manner to fix it is to add a picayune fleck of powdered carbohydrate. When rolling fondant for a cake y'all can use any one of the three - vegetable shortening, powdered saccharide or cornstarch.

Vegetable shortening works great because information technology enhances the elasticity. However, it does not piece of work well if the fondant is too wet. So, use it if the fondant is already pliable but stiff.  Powdered sugar is used best when the fondant is wet and viscous but non pliable.  And cornstarch is best used in hot humid places where powdered carbohydrate tin cause more sickness rather than fixing it.

How thick should fondant be?

The thinner the fondant the better. That is what's usually advertised. My students are usually always debating this. And yet, you need to detect that sweet spot that works best for you. I'd say betwixt ¼ to ⅛ inch thick, leaning more towards ⅛ rather than ¼ inch thick.

¼ inch is way also thick. Because it will exist heavy on the block and cause the edges to scissure. It will likewise make the cake look beefy and preclude y'all from getting sharp edges. A ⅛ inch is good, and withal often hard if you are new. Sharpening the edges tin can crusade it to tear if you're non conscientious. Frequently, newbies tend to tear if the fondant is besides thin.

What causes the fondant to tear?

When fondant is rolled besides thin it can crusade the fondant to tear. This applies to both when placing information technology on the cake and smoothing the sides. In addition, when trying to achieve sharp edges. That is why it is of import to roll fondant no thinner than ⅛ inch thick.

Why does my fondant keep ripping?

If fondant is rolled as well sparse it can rip when draping a cake. Similarly, fondant, when rolled also thick, can rip because of the backlog weight. That is why finding that sugariness spot that works best for you is really important.

Can I remove the fondant from a cake once covered in fondant?

Yep, you tin. This is not recommended because information technology's a waste product of expensive fondant and a re-do of a lot of steps in the cake decorating process. And all the same, ofttimes as a cake decorator, you have to put the client first and that's when you have no option but to re-do the fondant covering from scratch.
Here is what you tin do:

  1. Chill the block covered in fondant in the fridge until firm. You want the cake and the fondant both to be well chilled. If non you will end up with a big mess and more waste.
  2. When chilled, gently peel the top layer of fondant. Usually, the fondant should just peel off the cake leaving the buttercream or ganache backside.
  3. If your ganache or buttercream is in the right consistency this can exist a clean peal. Sometimes, y'all may get some parts of buttercream or ganache break and stick to the fondant and that's ok.
  4. One time all the fondant is off - put it abroad.
  5. Now, tidy upwards the frosting on the cake once more with ganache or buttercream.
  6. Chill it well.
  7. Cover it with fresh new fondant.

Copper Simpress Wedding Cake Copper Simpress Hymeneals Block

Orchids White Wedding (47) Orchids White Wedding (47)

A decorated wedding cake with sugar flowers on top. Burgundy Damask Hymeneals Cake

Dahlia Gold Wedding Cake (10) Dahlia Gold Wedding Cake (10)

How to stick fondant to the block?

Use water or vegetable shortening. Carbohydrate sticks to sugar then h2o are the first most advisable respond. E'er apply a clammy, not moisture brush. Recall as well much moisture can cause the fondant to melt and get viscous.

Personally, I similar to apply vegetable shortening over my ganache block before roofing it with fondant. That is considering I live in a loftier humidity climate. You can use a damp water castor too. And all the same, I usually prefer a light smear of vegetable shortening. For buttercream cakes, water is definitely the best style to get. However, often I practice not need any water because the condensation caused past my humid climate is good enough.

How long can a fondant cake sit out?

Fondant cakes can be kept out at room temperature for iii to four days and do not need to be kept in the fridge or frozen. You can also put fondant cakes with perishable fillings in the refrigerator. Of course, always bring the cake to room temperature before serving. Since room temperature cakes taste amend than common cold chilled cakes.

Can you put a cake with fondant in the refrigerator?

Absolutely, those who savor good weather can put fondant covered cakes in and out of the refrigerator without a second idea. This also allows us to use perishable fillings in fondant cakes.

And yet, those of us that live in hot humid climate need to be careful. Because bringing the cake out from the refrigerator usually causes condensation. You don't need to do anything. Simply leave the cake solitary until the temperature in the cake equalizes and the fondant automatically dries. It's ofttimes when people try to set fondant with condensation that causes bug. Depending on the weather, it tin take from a few minutes to a few hours for the cake to dry out.

How far in advance can I encompass a cake with fondant?

Fondant covered cakes can stay out on the counter for a expert 3 to 4 days. Fondant on a cake helps seal in the moisture and prevent the cake from becoming dry. E'er utilize a good frosting on the cake before roofing information technology with fondant. Buttercream or ganache are the two almost popular frostings used. We discussed this in detail on my post - Timeline for decorating a cake.

How long will a sponge cake terminal once it's covered in fondant?

Sponge cakes, if wrapped well, have a longer shelf life, peculiarly when made from scratch. Exposure to air can crusade the sponge to dry out, which is why we usually wrap cakes well in plastic or cling wrap. Fondant works every bit similar well-wrapped protection that seals in the moisture.

It is said, a well-stored sponge cake has a shelf life of about ii weeks. I have never kept my sponge cakes that long exterior the fridge.

Why should you unproblematic syrup the cake earlier covering with fondant?

Dissimilar dessert cakes, working on custom decorated cakes can be time-consuming which is why nosotros usually broil these cakes in advance. Frequently these cakes have a gap of four to five days from the time they are baked to the time they are consumed. To ensure these cakes stay moist when cut nosotros moisten these cakes with boosted sugar syrup.

My carbohydrate syrup is created with the intention of wet rather than sweetness. Y'all may as well want to endeavor my simple syrup for fondant cakes. Many of my cakes are less sugariness than traditional because they do take into account the sugar syrup added over the cakes.

How much fondant do I need for my cake?

The chart below is based on four-inch tall cakes. For shorter height you will need less and alpine cakes will patently demand more than.
Having said that, this presumes rolling fondant closer to ⅛" thickness. If you roll fondant too thick closer to ¼" inch thick yous will need more.

Circular Square Metric lbs OZ
half dozen-inch 5-inch 600 g ane.3 lbs 18 oz
7-inch 6-inch 750 g i.6 lbs xx oz
8-inch 7-inch 900 one thousand ii lbs 24 oz
ix-inch 8-inch 1 kg ii.2 lbs xxx oz
ten-inch 9-inch 1.ii kg 2.6 lbs 36 oz
11-inch 10-inch one.five kg 3.4 lbs twoscore oz
12-inch 11-inch 1.vii kg three.7 lbs 48 oz
14"inch 12-inch two.5 kg 5.v lbs 72 oz
14-inch ii.7 kg vi lbs 108 oz

Troubleshooting Tips

Why is my fondant smashing?

When fondant begins to dry it starts cracking. Overworking the fondant with adding pulverisation sugar when kneading can dry out out fondant. Similarly, as well much vegetable shortening when kneading tin can cause the fondant to be crumbly like to not bad. Always knead fondant until pliable, when not using wrap well in cling or plastic wrap. The longer it sits exposed to air the quicker it starts to dry out.

What to do if my fondant is too soft?

In places with high humidity fondant may be softer. Working in an air-conditioned room helps. A dehumidifier too helps absorb moisture in the air preventing the fondant from melting. In hot humid weather adding a bit of tylose or CMC tin can assistance add a fleck of compactness. ½ teaspoon to 1 lb fondant is good. In very humid weather a bit more than may exist needed.

What to do if my fondant is too dry?

Usually, if you lot add also much-powdered carbohydrate when kneading the fondant can get dry. If it'due south too hard to knead, place it in the microwave for 10 seconds to assistance to knead. So knead it with a bit of vegetable shortening. Avoid calculation too much vegetable shorting as it will cause farther tearing.

Why is my fondant sweating?

Nigh often the reply to this is air temperature. In hot humid conditions, the sugar in fondant tends to melt easily causing sweating. In very hot temperatures you may even experience like it'due south melting. Hither are a few tips that may assistance

  • Add together a bit of tylose powder or CMC to your fondant - keep it and allow information technology rest for an hour before using information technology.
  • Roll the fondant using simply cornstarch no powder sugar (powder sugar causes stickiness with sweating)
  • Endeavour to cover your cake in an air-conditioned room, or at the libation hours in the evening.
  • Once yous cover the cake - let the cake residue alone until the fondant sweats and dries out. This can take an hour or a few hours.
  • Once dried continue to decorate your block.

Why is my fondant tearing?

Fondant needs to be rolled not also thick and not too thin. Thin fondant will tear because fondant depends on gelatin to hold it together which cannot be rolled too thin. If rolled also thick it tends to tear with its own weight.
While information technology sounds impossible it is like shooting fish in a barrel to observe that right thickness too rolling fondant. Between ¼ to ⅛ inch.

My marshmallow fondant is too hard what tin can I practise?

Thaw the fondant in the fridge for 10 seconds so you can knead it. Then add a teaspoon or two of glycerin to assistance soften it. Next, add together vegetable shortening and knead it some more.
If this still does not work, its best to utilise this fondant for decorative purposes and decorations. Brand a fresh batch for covering the cake.

If you make homemade fondant so plan the right recipe for the right job

You tin easily apply my homemade fondant recipe from scratch for all your cakes. Y'all can pre-color the fondant right at the time of making it. And if you find yourself brusk on time or don't have all the ingredients, then maybe try a Marshmallow-based fondant recipe.

The BEST Homemade Fondant Recipe

If you are looking for the best homemade fondant, sugar paste, recipe that'south affordable and also tastes proficient, so this is it. This bootleg fondant recipe is soft, rubberband, and works great in any weather condition. And most of all, dissimilar store-bought fondant, this one really tastes delicious. This recipe is so elementary, piece of cake and effortless. Information technology will have you making fondant for all your cakes. And if you are a novice, you will exist surprised how easy information technology is to work with.

Bank check out this recipe

A cake decorated with pink fondant.

The Best Homemade Marshmallow Fondant

What could be better than a fondant that tastes like candy and smells of marshmallow? This homemade marshmallow fondant recipe is a must-have for kids' cakes. This simple and easy recipe uses just iii ingredients and has an incredible stretch. Every bit a issue, covering a block becomes easy peasy.

Check out this recipe

A close up of a cake decorated with stars.

Chocolate Marshmallow Fondant

This homemade chocolate marshmallow fondant is a delicious sugar paste recipe with the taste of marshmallow and chocolate.  This simple, easy and effortless recipe is made with real chocolate and cocoa powder for that rich chocolate gustatory modality. Whether you embrace a cake, cookies or cupcakes this chocolate fondant is always a existent treat.

Bank check out this recipe

A lump of Chocolate fondant.

A black fondant decorated cake.

Homemade Vegetarian Fondant from Scratch

This bootleg vegetarian fondant recipe is a fondant recipe without gelatin.  This simple like shooting fish in a barrel and effortless recipe uses agar-agar which is plant-based. The recipe is adjusted from my almost popular recipe bootleg fondant recipe from scratch. This vegetarian fondant is also vegan, eggless, dairy-free and Parve and tin can be used to embrace cakes, cookies or cupcakes.

Check out this recipe

A cake decorated to look like a lady's handbag and stiletto.

Share a movie of your work with me by uploading an epitome here below my image on this board. You tin as well notice a collection of my tutorials and recipes here on Pinterest.

A hand painted cake.
fourteen Tips for working with fondant

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Equally you tin can see there is more than information on the web log because there is just that much I tin put on one slide - on my Facebook Page. Hence, you tin can encounter more than Tip Thursdays here on the blog
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How To Fix A Bad Fondant Job On A Cake,


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